Daily Bible verses on Instagram to serve as a simple encouragement to keep God's Word in our hearts and minds.

Earlier this year, we were challenged and confronted by how little we thought of and remembered God in our lives; how much of our time was spent in things secondary to our relationship with God. When our hearts are easily distracted and our mind wanders, we recall Psalm 1:2: “ But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night.”

Dwell and Reflect by Mary and Sally is something we've been thinking of doing for awhile. Our aim is not to make this a daily devotion, but simply a reminder for us to meditate and to think deeply on God's Word. Our hope in future is to turn these into memory cards one day and to "engrave" them into our hearts and minds.

Would you join us? Find us on Instagram at @dwellandreflect.

Love, Mary and Sally

01 March, 2017.


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